Glazed pipe clay ecuelle

Glazed terre-de-pipe ecuelle, Luneville or its surroundings circa 1780

Assiette en faïence, Paul Hannong

Une assiette en faïence, Paul Hannong, vers

Cafetière égoïste de Joseph Hannong

Une cafetière en porcelaine, Joseph Hannong, vers 1776-1781

plate – Joseph Hannong

1 100,00 
Plate in faience, Joseph Hannong, 1776 - 1770.

Jatte à sucre – Joseph Hannong

Jatte à sucre en faïence, Joseph Hannong, vers 1770-1774.

Charles Zeyssolff

An oil painting on canvas made by Charles Zeyssolff (1910-1967) in the middle of the 20th century, and showing a still-life.

Niderviller – The shepherd and the flower girl

3 800,00 
An enameled pipe clay statuette presenting a shepherd and a flower girl, Niderviller, circa 1760 - 1780.

Lunéville plate

A glazed terre de pipe plate, Lunéville in Manufacture Chambrette circa 1770

Strasbourg faience plate

1 650,00 
A plate in faience of Strasbourg, Joseph Hannong, circa 1770

Joseph Hannong plate

A plate in faience made in Strasbourg, Joseph Hannong, circa 1770

Marcel Dyf

6 500,00 
An oil painting on canvas made by Marcel Dyf ( 1899-1985) during the 20th century, and presenting a young woman face to his mirror.

Lucien Haffen

Une peinture à l'huile sur toile représentant un bouquet de fleurs, Lucien Haffen (1888-1968).

Faience burning stove

8 500,00 
A Faience burning stove, Joseph Hugelin Strasbourg circa 1850.

Robert Breitwieser

2 800,00 
An oil painting on canvas presenting a still life with bouquet of flowers, by Robert Breitwieser in 1941