Holy Child

1 500,00 

A sculpted polychrome wood statue of Christ Child, South Italy or Spain 18th century

Saint Christopher carrying the Christ Child

1 100,00 

An oil painting on copper presenting saint Christopher carrying the Christ Child, circa 1700 in Spain

Madonna and Child

2 200,00 

Virgin and Child in polychrome carved wood, Alsace, 1st half of the 18th century.

Saint Joseph


An Alsatian reverse glass painting presenting Saint Joseph and Jesus.

Child Jesus


A wax statue of Child Jesus in a glass showcase, made in the end of the 19th century.

Stain glass with Virgin and Child


A stained-glass window with a Virgin and Child in the Renaissance style, end of 19th-beginning of the 20th century

Sainte Anne trinitaire, entourage de Hans Wydyz

28 000,00 

Sainte Anne trinitaire en bois sculpté polychrome réalisé dans l’entourage de Hans Wydyz, vers 1500